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Importance of Having a Mobile Version of the Website

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Wherever we are today, walking on the road, having a meal with our family, travelling or even attending an event, our hands and eyes are glued to one thing – our smartphones. And why not when they govern a wide range of our everyday activities, be it keeping updated with the latest news, exploring social media or sending an e-mail. Our dependence on smartphones has grown to whole new level, since they help us connect to our family, friends and colleagues. It might surprise you that mobile internet use has already surpassed desktop internet use.

As the role of mobile phones in our lives has grown to such an all-time high level, business owners are smartly using these handy devices to lure their prospective customers in. This has made the plain act of having mobile friendly websites a necessity, drawing the website owners to hire professional website designer. If your website is still not carved for mobile phones, here’s all you need to know about the importance of mobile friendly websites.

Why should your website be mobile friendly?

1. Google Ranking

It’s proven that Google favours websites that are mobile-friendly over the ones that don’t appear under mobile search results. According to a change that was made in the Google algorithm in 2015, the way Google presents mobile search results was tweaked. Now, it gives a better ranking to the websites that are optimized for mobile.

2. Extensive Usage

Howsoever depressing this fact sounds, but we cannot even imagine our lives without mobile phones today. Searching online to online shopping, everything becomes faster and easier with these small gadgets. This is especially profitable in the fast-paced world we are living in today. Mobile friendly websites can help you attract your target customers with immediate service.

3. Higher Credibility

Take it from us – nobody has time to get back to their desktops or laptops to go online and search for your website. People will rather prefer to take out their smartphones from their pockets and visit your website on the go. This is why, it is very important to offer your customers, influencers and clients a pleasant mobile browsing experience. Mobile friendly websites directly relate your business with high credibility for your products and services in the users’ heads.

4. Standard Practice

When all the business owners in your domain and area, are working hard to offer the users a great mobile website browsing experience, you just need to buckle up. You can invest in a responsive web design to make mobile website optimization an easy process for you. By doing this, you’re making your website more accessible and straight-forward for your target customers.

5. More Coverage

A smart business owner will never miss an idea of reaching out to more customers in a smarter and quicker way. If your website is mobile friendly, your customer base is open to millions of people browsing online on their mobile phones. The users will not have to search for your website using the exact URL, which means they can reach out to you very easily.

6. Word of Mouth

If you have a great experience doing something, you usually share that with your peers. Similarly, if the users visiting your website on their mobile phones have a pleasant experience. The chances of them returning to your website and telling other associated people about it grow manifolds. But this needs you to have a mobile friendly website, or else, the opposite can happen and your prospective customer base can minimize.

As most of the people prefer to access online content through mobile phones today, not getting a mobile friendly website can be a bad idea for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and can also drive your sales down. We believe that the above-mentioned points have elaborated the importance of mobile friendly websites and that you are ready to hire professional website designer to ensure a terrific user experience to the ones who look up for your website on their mobile phones. So it’s only smart to start with some improvements today only and do what’s right for a healthy business.